One of God laws for the Israelites in Leviticus was that if they saw someone who needed help, they had to help them. They couldn't see their neighbor chasing his ox around the field without helping him. They had to get involved, instead of standing around watching.
Did you know that everybody has as good of an excuse as you do for why they can't get involved in God's work? Trust me, I hear them all the time. Everyone thinks they have the perfect reason for why they can't obey Jesus. Money is tight. We had a busy week at the ball fields. I had a headache. I just don't know what to do (just ask).
Here's the problem. There are people who will not let the work of Jesus fail. That means, when you don't do your part, it doesn't just not happen. SOMEBODY HAS TO DO IT! Someone bears the burden of your disobedience. Someone gives more or works harder. In order to serve Jesus, you will have to sacrifice. I am so tired of seeing the minority sacrificing so much while the majority sacrifices nothing!
Step up. Do what God tells you to do. God's work will be done. You can be part of the fighting force, or you can be the dead weight that somebody has to carry. Don't be that loser.
The thing that Jesus is showing me is that He has already provided what we need, if His people would just obey. This isn't us watching to see what God is going to do. This is about us listening to see what He is already telling us to do!
There are now about 160 people following this blog. I can't wait to see a bunch of you Sunday! :)
6:00 PM at Zero Gravity Skatepark. :)