Somebody told me I need to come up with "catchy" titles for my posts, so I thought I'd call you stupid and see if you would read it :) I probably don't think you're stupid, and I apologize if you were offended that I called you stupid. If you are stupid, it's all good, cause you're probably not real sure what's going on anyway.
I have some very specific prayers that I've been taking to Jesus this week. If God blesses in these situations, we could have the finances committed that I have been praying for by this Friday! We have had people in Relevant Truth Church step up this week, and I believe they will continue to. We also have someone who lives in Charlotte, who drives to RTC as often as possible, who committed to support RTC financially Sunday night. I am still praying for God to raise up men and women who will commit to supporting what God is doing here, and I know that He will. Please be praying with me.
I am also praying that God lays it on your heart to worship with us this Sunday night at 6:00 pm. I still believe that I will leave the circle on June 3rd. That is going to take the participation of a lot of my friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ. 150 of us will worship together at RTC before I leave the circle.
Thanks for reading, stupid :) There are at least 197 people reading this blog on a regular basis. That means that as lonely as I feel here at times, there are almost 200 people that are on this prayer and faith journey with me. I love you all very much, and I am sure you are all very intelligent.
Don't forget June 3rd!!! Don't come alone. Bring 9 friends with you :) That's the night I get to tuck my girls in their beds. We're going to do it together.
To Him that is able to work miracles through a silly circle - be glory, power, praise, and everything we can imagine to give Him.