We had our first Discipleship Class last night at RTC. We brought the table up to the circle, so I could teach from it. We had 30 show up for the class, which is totally awesome! We were talking about the Bible. It's trustworthiness, authenticity etc. We looked at a lot of the external evidence for the reliability of scripture. It was a blast. I really felt like we were all connecting, and a bunch of questions were getting answered for some of our people. It's fun to see the light go on in teenagers and adults faces when they realize that there is supportable evidence for the reliability of the Bible.
We always have "dude's night" on Wednesday. Instead of going to the Pub we usually go to, all the guys ordered pizza and hung out in the circle with me. It was a blast. I am so thankful for friends that love Jesus and love me.
It's starting to get really hot in this metal building during the days :) Since there is no A/C, I end up in swimming trunks or shorts about every day. It's been a lot of fun though. My friend Dawn ordered lunch for me today and had it delivered.
Today I'm seriously praying for God to provide the money for us to keep our building. I have been praying for God to provide rent money, but the goal has always been to purchase the property. It is, without a doubt, the best property in the county for us to minister from. We don't have enough history for a bank to give us a loan, but I know there are men and women out there who could loan us $400K dollars. I am not going to go find them. I am going to pray that God either provides our rent, or buys us the property :) Either way, the work of the Kingdom will go on.
I feel really isolated. I found out today that Chris Bosh got hurt. That really changes the NBA Playoffs. I really want Miami to win this year, because I want ESPN First Take to talk about something else (although they'll just talk about Tim Tebow then lol). I know my boys will keep giving me updates. The times I would normally be watching ESPN, I've been reading the Word, so I know Jesus is doing work on me.
Please keep praying with me. God has me here, but my calling is no more important than yours. This circle is a matter of obedience for me. Your relationship is a matter of obedience for you. Regardless, Jesus is all that matters. TTYL