The confusion around me is starting to get back to me. Why in the world would somebody live in a circle in 2012? How is this going to work? Does he really think this makes any sense? I don't think a good father/husband would do this! I read all of the pastor books, and this wasn't in any of them! lol
Somebody told me yesterday that I needed to write a post explaining why I am doing his, and what I hope to accomplish. Well, here I go.
God told me to. I was reading "The circle maker," and God told me not only to pray circles around my vision, but actually live in the circle. I told Him He was crazy, but He didn't back down. I believe that God wants to do amazing things at Relevant Truth Church. The vision is to have 5 RTC locations. Brevard, Boston, Baltimore, Detroit, and Toronto. We plan to launch the Boston location in 2014. God began to show me that supernatural provision often only follows radical obedience. Well, He told me to live in a circle. He also told me to leave all of my "crutches" outside the circle. When I say crutches, I'm talking about the things that I turn to when I start to stress, instead of turning to Jesus. I have a pretty long list. Since we drew the circle Sunday, I have not watched tv, been online, played video games, smoked a cigarette, or drank caffeine. Listen, I am not trying to be super-spiritual. I don't think any of those things is wrong in and of themselves. But together, they were my coping mechanisms. God told me to lean only on Him and pray. Pray like I've never prayed before. So that's what I've been doing.
I have committed to stay in this circle until God provides RTC with $6500 a month, and we have 150 people in our worship experience in our 6:00 Sunday evening service. I have no idea how long that will take. I may be here for a few more days, or I could be here for several months. The time is up to Him. My obedience is up to me.
People have been coming constantly to pray with me and just hang out. It has been awesome how people in the RTC family have made sure I'm fed, and not going crazy. I'm fed........ :)
Keep praying. In the grand scheme of things, this circle means nothing. Our obedience to God, even when it doesn't make sense, means EVERYTHING.