How does a church in 2012 actually follow the leading of the Holy Spirit? There is a book written on every subject that a young pastor/leadership team might ever face. Not enough money? There's a seminar in Charlotte this Thursday. Need better children's ministries? There's a book that came out last week that will change your life! You don't have a clue how to preach? There's a conference in Atlanta with the best in the world. Listen for a few days and you'll figure it out.
What if we don't experience "Acts results" because we just don't need the Holy Spirit anymore? I wonder if the apostles would have listened to God if they would have had Francis Chan, John Piper, David Platt, and Mark Driscoll? I love those men, but when in the hell did they become what would or should change our lives? I love books, I love conferences (good ones), I love to see thousands of people worshiping Jesus. But at some point I've got to ask myself why my knee jerk reaction when I don't know something is to look at a commentary! What ever happened to "The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth?"
Is google your worst enemy when it comes to hearing from God? I pretty sure it is mine. I'm hearing from God today like I haven't in a long time. If I had access to my books, I'm pretty sure I would have drowned Him out at some point. It seams like we're trying so hard to manufacture "revival" that we've put the only One who can bring it on the back burner. "Hey God, if Piper doesn't know the answer I'll hit you up." "If Driscoll's church hasn't been through this before we'll talk." "If Andy Stanley hasn't done a really good series on this already, I'll try to get a word from you."
I'm pretty sick of a church full of copies of copies. I believe these men are trying to imitate Christ. But He's telling them what THEY need to do. My ears are fine. I want to get my info from the SOURCE!