Have you ever written a blog that several people are reading, and a couple people always take it really personally? It's actually really funny. God's been laying some stuff on my heart, so I write about it, and then a few people get really offended and start defending themselves and their family personally!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell everybody that I love you, and I don't know very many of you very well. I am not necessarily talking about you or your precious, perfect little angel children. I am sure that you have never been rude to a waiter, or impatient with anyone in your entire life. I am sure that everyone in every restaurant that you have ever eaten in runs up to you begging to meet Jesus after you have graced them with your presence.
From the deepest, darkest places in my heart I am so sorry for hurting your feelings. I am so sorry that you felt singled out by a blog that hundreds of people read. :) If you were children, this would be really funny. You're not, so it's really sad.
In all seriousness...If there is one thing I feel called to the most as a pastor, it is to wake up a sleeping Church. The passage in scripture that I feel most connected to is when Ezekiel preaches to the dry bones. I believe that my past experiences and God's direct leading in my life have brought me to a place where I have no patience for religion and self-righteousness. I hate country-club churches, where everything is about you feeling good. Unfortunately, I find myself guilty of all of that. I don't have it all together, and I haven't figured it all out.
However, I am tired of a church culture that allows us to scream hate at sinners, but cringes if we speak the truth to zombie "christians." Grow some and get over yourself. If you don't want to be challenged, don't read the blog. If you don't like what is said, don't let your kids read the blog.
To the rest of you. Thank you so much for the unbelievable support and unity that I have felt over the past 3 weeks. It is a testimony to the power and love of Jesus Christ that so many of you have been so encouraging. Even though many of you don't understand exactly what is up with the circle, your kindness and grace have been amazing for myself and our church. I am praying that soon I will be able to get on Facebook and reply to all the messages Whitney said I have. :) You have been awesome.
Please pray for our service at Relevant Truth Church tonight. Our worship service is at 6:00 pm at what was formerly Zero Gravity Skatepark. We would love for our brothers and sisters from all the local churches here to join us as we worship Jesus.
We believe that tonight is the night. God has provided the financial goals that we have been praying for. We are asking him to bring 150 tonight. Pray with us.
I love all of you.
For Him or not at all