Monday, June 18, 2012

The Cost of Vision

Casting vision always comes with a price.  

God has this habit of calling people to do things that are beyond their capablilities, so He can get the glory.  That means, when they begin to share the vision with other people, the chance of people laughing, mocking, and ridiculing that individual is pretty high. 

If you care about public opinion, you will never be used by God.  If you care about popular "church people" opinions, you'll never be used by God.  In my opinion, if you take most people's opinion seriously at all, you're going to spend alot of time wasting your life, and totally miss out on what God is calling you to.

Often, the most dangerous people in the world are people that you think you should listen to.  Family members, in-laws, pastors, teachers, friends etc.  Sometimes these people think that not only should they have the right to spout their opinion of your life all of the time, but that you are obligated to listen and care what they think.

I believe in being teachable.  But here is my practical question.  I have DOZENS of people every week telling me what I should or should not do.  Who should I listen to?  People love to quote "in a multitude of counselors there is safety."  The funny thing is, most people see themselves as qualified to be your counselor.  Who should you stop and listen to?  Who should affect your decisions?  How long should you spend contimplating the opinions of man?

Sometimes I think the best thing you can do is stop listening and just follow Jesus.  Maybe just for a short period of time, drown out the noise.  Listen for the voice of God and then OBEY!  It's going to confuse some people.  It's gonna piss some people off.  You may even get some interesting emails (I always do.)  But at the end of the day, God's voice is the only one that truly matters.  If people aren't pointing you to Jesus, they're just spewing hot air anyways.  You don't have to listen.

God has told Relevant Truth Church to plant RTC locations in big cities all over the US, and then outside our borders.  We are going to leverage technology to reach thousands for Jesus.  I would love for you to be part of the vision that God has given us.  We would love for you to be part of what God has called us to.  If you're not, we love you. 

Just some random thought today.  I love you guys



Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Adios For Now!

Hey Everybody.

I have been lying here awake for an hour or so.  I wanted to tell you all that I love you guys and I appreciate our "talks." :)

Up to this point I have been led to blog this experience.  I don't anymore.  If that confuses you, I'm sorry.  I think it's gotten a little too "trendy" right now.  I believe that God has shown me that it is time to stop blogging from the circle.  I'm sure I will pick it back up at some point when He brings me out of the circle.  He may lead me to give you guys an update after this coming Sunday, but I'm not sure.  I do know that I do not believe that he is leading me to continue these blog posts right now.  Sometimes I know for sure when He is leading me to do something.  Sometimes I don't.  Right now I'm pretty sure it is from Him :) 

What happens at Relevant Truth Church this Sunday evening will not be the result of hype.  It will not be the result of a blog, or anything else.  God will move this Sunday as only He can.  I will be here praying and asking Him to move.  Please do the same thing. 

I think sometimes when God tells us to do something "weird" or different, sometimes we make more out of the activity than we do our Savior.  I think He told me to do something weird.  I believe that we obeyed.  I believe that my motives were pure and that I obeyed his leading.  However, I believe that there is a temptation to make more out of "the circle" than we do about Jesus.  I believe I see that beginning in our community.  I cannot encourage that and I won't.

I will be happy to talk to you about the power and glory of my Jesus.  I will be happy to tell you about how he honors obedience, even when we don't obey perfectly :)  I would love to talk to you about how much he loves you!  I will not defend the circle, and I will not defend myself.  If I understood it, I would be happy to.
  My Jesus has poured out his financial provision on this church in the past 3 weeks.  He has poured out his spirit in our services in the past 3 weeks.  He has done this all because He is God, and he CHOSE TO!  That's the point of it all.   

I will honor my commitment to stay in this circle until we reach the goal of 150.  I pray it happens soon :)  When it does happen, Jesus will be glorified.

I hope you make plans to experience that with us.  Until then...

I love you,  Jesus loves you


Monday, June 4, 2012

Hey Everybody! 

I have had several people bring me encouraging books and sermons and stuff.  Up until Sunday, I have not read anything but the Bible, or watched any messages or anything. 

If you have something you think might be encouraging, I am now reading and watching encouraging things in moderation.  If you have something that you would like to share, I would love your suggestions.  I watched an Andy Stanley message today that was awesome! 

Anyways, I would love your suggestions.  God is moving!  I love you guys


My Jesus can handle it!!!!

       So, I'm still in the circle.  Don't you dare be disappointed. My Jesus is awesome!  He has a plan and a reason why he wants me here for another week.  I would love to have gone home last night, but His ways are higher than mine. 

I have to give a shout out to all my amazing brothers and sisters who worshiped with us last night.  I have never felt that much freedom in worship in my life.  Everyone came with the intention to worship Jesus with everything in them.  Jesus Christ was exalted, and that makes last night an unbelievable success.  It was hard for a few minutes when it really sank in for me and Whitney that I couldn't come home.  She cried for a minute, and then hugged me and said that God had a reason.  If there is one thing that I have learned this past month, it's that God has blessed me with an incredible wife.  I cannot begin to thank Jesus enough for the amazing girl that God allowed a schmuck like me to spend my life with.

I woke up this morning with one burden still on my heart.  One of my closest friends was waiting to hear news about a construction job that he was a candidate for.  As a took a shower in my sprinkler (9 settings lol), I asked God to finish the weekend off strong for us.  I know God owes us nothing, but I also knows He cares.  When I got out of the shower, I walked to the other side of the circle and picked up my cell.  I had a text that said "Bro, we got the job.  Praise God"  I screamed like a little girl, and started running circles around the circle, screaming "thank you Jesus" as loud as I could.  Then I fell down and cried for a bit (not my manliest moment.)  I have prayed with my friend for 18 months that God would bless his business, and what an awesome weekend for God to answer that prayer!  

 We had 130 people praising Jesus last night, and hundreds praying from their local church or from home.

This is our best side :)

Don't ask

   God is doing His work.  Thank you for your love and support.  Thank you Jesus for who you are.

For Him or not at all,


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Still in the Circle! Jesus is Awesome!

Hey guys!  The service at RTC tonight was awesome!  Jesus handled his business once again.

We had around 130 in our worship service tonight.  Not quite enough to go home, but it was such a spirit-filled service, I have no complaints!  God wants me to stay here at least another week.  Our message was partly from Job 38, so I'm not surprised that God's ways are not my ways as far as when I leave the circle.

Some of my friends took some pictures and a video from RTC tonight, and they're trying to get them on here without me getting online...  Well, it's not working, so check out Relevant Truth Church on Facebook if you want to see them.

Thank you all for your continued prayers.  And thank you to everyone who worshiped Jesus with us tonight.  I can't wait to see you next Sunday.  I'll talk to you guys soon.  Right now I'm going to sleep.

Love God, Love People,


Who peed in your Cheerios?

Have you ever written a blog that several people are reading, and a couple people always take it really personally?  It's actually really funny.  God's been laying some stuff on my heart, so I write about it, and then a few people get really offended and start defending themselves and their family personally! 

I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell everybody that I love you, and I don't know very many of you very well.  I am not necessarily talking about you or your precious, perfect little angel children.  I am sure that you have never been rude to a waiter, or impatient with anyone in your entire life.  I am sure that everyone in every restaurant that you have ever eaten in runs up to you begging to meet Jesus after you have graced them with your presence.

From the deepest, darkest places in my heart I am so sorry for hurting your feelings.  I am so sorry that you felt singled out by a blog that hundreds of people read. :)  If you were children, this would be really funny.  You're not, so it's really sad.

In all seriousness...If there is one thing I feel called to the most as a pastor, it is to wake up a sleeping Church.  The passage in scripture that I feel most connected to is when Ezekiel preaches to the dry bones.  I believe that my past experiences and God's direct leading in my life have brought me to a place where I have no patience for religion and self-righteousness.  I hate country-club churches, where everything is about you feeling good.  Unfortunately, I find myself guilty of all of that. I don't have it all together, and I haven't figured it all out.

However, I am tired of a church culture that allows us to scream hate at sinners, but cringes if we speak the truth to zombie "christians."  Grow some and get over yourself.  If you don't want to be challenged, don't read the blog.  If you don't like what is said, don't let your kids read the blog.

To the rest of you.  Thank you so much for the unbelievable support and unity that I have felt over the past 3 weeks.  It is a testimony to the power and love of Jesus Christ that so many of you have been so encouraging.  Even though many of you don't understand exactly what is up with the circle, your kindness and grace have been amazing for myself and our church.  I am praying that soon I will be able to get on Facebook and reply to all the messages Whitney said I have. :) You have been awesome.

Please pray for our service at Relevant Truth Church tonight.  Our worship service is at 6:00 pm at what was formerly Zero Gravity Skatepark.  We would love for our brothers and sisters from all the local churches here to join us as we worship Jesus.

We believe that tonight is the night.  God has provided the financial goals that we have been praying for.  We are asking him to bring 150 tonight.  Pray with us.

I love all of you. 

For Him or not at all


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Church People Suck

Some of you are really irritated right now!  Did he just say church people suck?  How dare he say something like that?  That is a very broad statement!

Question.  Do you think I could safely say "King cobras are dangerous?"  Yes?  That's a pretty broad statement!  But here's the deal.  I understand that there are poisonous snakes that have had their fangs/venom removed, so they aren't dangerous.  I get that.  I know that there are exceptions.  However, I can still make the statement "cobras are dangerous," with a great deal of passion, because based on percentages, I'm absolutely right.  Most cobras are dangerous!

Church people suck.  I worked in the restaurant industry for several years.  I was a waiter and a cook.  Guess what the absolute worst shift of the week to work was?  SUNDAY AFTERNOON!  Around 12:15, the church crowd would come in.  They were dressed to the gills, had their hair perfect, and often would carry bibles into the restaurant with them.  Then they were mean, demanding, impatient, and didn't tip worth a crap.  I have never worked with anyone in the food service industry who has said anything but I HATE WORKING SUNDAY AFTERNOON.

But then we have "tent meetings" and "revival services" and we wonder why people won't come with us!  It's because we suck!  Such a large percentage of church people are playing religion, and aren't following Christ, that we are destroying our opportunity to love people like Jesus!    I know none of us are perfect.  And I know from experience that no matter how hard you try, somebody is going to hate you.  But we should be hated for our faith, and our life decisions, not because we're impossible to please. 

Instead of becoming defensive right now, what if a bunch of us did our best to counter the church culture that has been created.  What if we never spoke to a waitress like she was our slave again?  What if we smile when she realizes that she hasn't refilled our sweet tea in 45 minutes?  What if we clean up the floor when our kid tears up her chicken tenders and throws them on the floor?   What if we respectfully tell her our steak is overcooked, instead of acting like it was her fault?  What if we tip 20%, even if the service was terrible? What if we laugh it off when she spills a drink on our lap? That waitress may have a sick kid at home, and be totally distracted. 

What if, when we go into a grocery store, the cashiers are excited because they know someone is going to be nice to them?  What if, even when it's tough, we treat people with respect and real love?  What if someone else's pain is always more important than our own?

Often, I'm so consumed with my own little world that I don't see the pain around me.  I want what I want when I want it.  I might help somebody, as long as it fits into my schedule.  I might smile at someone, as long as I'm in the mood.  I might laugh something off, as long as I'm not already stressed.  Funny thing is, I can't figure out how a cross was ever convenient for Jesus.  I don't know how he could ever be in the mood to be tortured and crucified for my problems.  Being a church person isn't enough.

What if we actually tried to act like Jesus?

Friday, June 1, 2012

It's Friday, But Sunday's Coming!

I'm starting to get really excited on Fridays.  When I realize that Sunday is only two days away, it makes me really antsy.  Last Sunday evening was epic at RTC.  Not because of anything except that there was an amazing atmosphere of true worship.  Joey and the worship team were great, but it was so much more than just music.  It seemed like everybody came in here ready to worship Jesus.  I think it was that spirit of anticipation that was so awesome.  People showed up hungry for God.

This Sunday, I am obviously still praying for a packed house.  I am praying that I go home this Sunday night.  But more than that, I am praying that Jesus is exalted, and we experience true worship and life change.  I want everyone who comes through the doors to come ready to blow the roof off of this place.  Jesus is amazing, and he deserves it. 

I am praying for several local church families to be represented here this Sunday.  I am praying that God gives us an amazing sense of unity and fellowship.  I am praying that we are unified in the worship and adoration of Jesus Christ.  I am praying that no one stays away because of a misguided sense of competition between local churches. 

I am praying the the Holy Spirit makes Himself so evident to all of us this Sunday evening.  I am praying that none of us leave without experiencing the touch of God.  I pray that God speaks to each of us through our time of worship, through the message, and through the fellowship of other believers. 

I am praying that if there are 50 or 250, that we will magnify Jesus Christ with the same amount of passion, commitment and intensity.  Pray with me for this Sunday evening.  Jesus will be praised.

I love you, Jesus loves you
